Homeless Management Information System

Open Doors Homeless Coalition serves as the HMIS lead for in the six southern-most counties of Mississippi: Harrison County, Jackson County, Hancock County, Stone County, George County, and Pearl River County. AWARDS by Foothold Technology functions as the HMIS database used by member agencies in the community to document housing and services activities. There are 126 users of the database. The database maintains confidentiality of the recipient of services while ensuring that no duplication of services occurs in the area. The data measure client-level progress through the homelessness services system, program level performance, and system effectiveness.  If you are interested in participating in HMIS, please call Patti Guider at 228-205-7046.

Links To Data

Are you homeless, or experiencing a housing crisis in South Mississippi?Call 228-604-2048If you need other essential servicescall 211